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Amazon Fee Changes are Coming to Sellers on February 18, 2020

Peter Eickholt
Feb 13, 2020
Last Modified:
Jan 31, 2023


If you’re an Amazon Seller, you know how difficult it can be to keep up with all of Amazon’s multitude of selling fees.  Each year, Amazon adjusts their fees slightly, and 2020 will be no different - with the push for One-Day Prime Shipping, most of the fee increases are centered around fulfillment.  Luckily, despite Amazon’s continued investment in expanding their fulfillment network, Amazon is making only minimal increases to fees this year. 

With all the different types of fees on the Seller Central Platform, and it’s always important to take note of changes in fees to make sure you are not surprised. Here are the important fee changes coming to Seller Central in February 2020. For full details of all changes, see the reference tables at the end of this post.

Referral Fees

The average referral fee to sell on Amazon is 15% for most categories.  Luckily, this won’t be changing for many categories. If you’re in the Activewear category, watch out for a 2% increase in your referral fee.  Sellers selling Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses will see a decreased fee from 17% to 15% on anything priced over $75. For all sellers on Amazon B2B, Amazon will be charging a flat referral fee based on your category. 

FBA Fulfillment Fees (USA)

FBA Fees on Amazon vary by category, size and weight of the product.  In February, Amazon will be raising their FBA fees per unit by an average of 4% across the different size tiers. For sellers in the clothing category, FBA fees will be raised by 5% on average across the size tiers. 

FBA Monthly Storage Fees

FBA storage fees already fluctuate during the year as amazon increases storage during Q4, when traffic is higher, and the fulfillment centers are busiest.  Luckily, Amazon is only raising the storage fees for the first part of the year. Starting in March, Amazon will be raising the standard-size storage fee from $0.69/cubic foot to $0.75/cubic foot.  The Q4 rates will remain the same at $2.40/square foot.  

Removal Order & Disposal Order Fees

The standard fee for removal orders has been $0.50/unit no matter the size tier.  Amazon will be changing that starting in February with a tiered structure. This is good news for sellers in the standard-size tier, where Amazon will be decreasing the removal order fee to as low as $0.25/unit.  See the entire tiered changes below.

Disposal Orders will also be changing to a tiered fee structure but will see an increase this year.  The standard $0.15/unit will be replaced with a $0.25/unit fee at the lowest tier and will go up to over $0.40/unit at the highest for the standard-size tier. See the details below.

Label Service Fees

For Sellers that use the Label Service and have Amazon label units at the fulfillment center, the per unit label fee will increase from $0.20 per unit to $0.30 per unit.

Subscribe & Save Changes

As of December 18th, 2019, Amazon automatically enrolled eligible items into the Subscribe & Save program and no longer will require Manual enrollment.  Also, sellers can now choose to increase the base subscription discount from the normal 5% to 10%. Keep in mind that the additional 5% is funded by the seller.

Fee changes charts and tiers:

Referral Fee Changes:

CategoryBefore February 18th 2020After February 18th 2020
Shoes, Handbags, & Sunglasses18% 15% on products over $75
Outdoor Furniture15%10% on any portion of the sales price over $200
Personal Care Appliances15%8% for items under $10
Ring Accessories15%Moving to the Amazon Device Accessories Category - 45%
Amazon BusinessTiered Fee StructureFlat referral fee based on Category

Core FBA Fulfillment Fees (Excluding Clothing)

Before February 18, 2020February 18, 2020, and after
Size tierShipping weightPackaging weightFulfillment fee per unitFulfillment fee per unit
Small standard10 oz or less4 oz$2.41$2.50

10 to 16 oz
Large standard10 oz or less4 oz$3.19$3.31

10 to 16 oz

1 to 2 lb4 oz$4.76$4.90

2 to 3 lb4 oz$5.26$5.42

3 lb to 21 lb4 oz$5.26 + $0.38/lb above first 3 lb$5.42 + $0.38/lb above first 3 lb
Small oversize71 lb or less1 lb$8.26 + $0.38/lb above first 2 lb$8.26 + $0.38/lb above first 2 lb
Medium oversize151 lb or less1 lb$9.79 + $0.39/lb above first 2 lb$11.37 + $0.39/lb above first 2 lb
Large oversize151 lb or less1 lb$75.78 + $0.79/lb above first 90 lb$75.78 + $0.79/lb above first 90 lb
Special oversizeN/A1 lb$137.32 + $0.91/lb above first 90 lb$137.32 + $0.91/lb above first 90 lb

Clothing Category FBA Fulfillment Fees

Before February 18, 2020February 18, 2020, and after
Size tierShipping weightPackaging weightFulfillment fee per unit1Fulfillment fee per unit
Small Standard10 oz or less4 oz$2.81$2.92

10 to 16 oz
Large standard10 oz or less4 oz$3.59$3.70

10 to 16 oz

1 to 2 lb4 oz$5.16$5.35

2 to 3 lb4 oz$5.66$5.95

3 lb to 21 lb4 oz$5.66 + $0.38/lb above first 3 lb$5.95 + $0.38/lb above first 3 lb

FBA Fulfillment Fees for Dangerous Goods

Before February 18, 2020February 18, 2020, and after
Size tierShipping weightPackaging weightFulfillment fee per unitFulfillment fee per unit
Small standard10 oz or less4 oz$3.27$3.43

10 to 16 oz
Large standard10 oz or less4 oz$3.87$4.06

10 to 16 oz

1 to 2 lb4 oz$5.23$5.47

2 to 3 lb4 oz$5.70$5.86

3 lb to 21 lb4 oz$5.70 + $0.38/lb above first 3 lb$5.86 + $0.38/lb above first 3 lb
Small oversize71 lb or less1 lb$8.98 + $0.38/lb above first 2 lb$8.98 + $0.38/lb above first 2 lb
Medium oversize151 lb or less1 lb$11.22 + $0.39/lb above first 2 lb$11.22 + $0.39/lb above first 2 lb
Large oversize151 lb or less1 lb$87.14 + $0.79/lb above first 90 lb$87.14 + $0.79/lb above first 90 lb
Special oversizeN/A1 lb$157.12 + $0.91/lb above first 90 lb$157.12 + $0.91/lb above first 90 lb

FBA Monthly Storage Fees

Before March 1, 2020March 1, 2020 and after
January - September$0.69 per cubic foot$0.75 per cubic foot
October - December$2.40 per cubic foot$2.40 per cubic foot

Removal Order Fees

Removal Fee
Before February 18, 2020February 18, 2020, and after
Size tierShipping weightRemoval fee per unitRemoval fee per unit
Standard-size0 to 0.5 lb$0.50$0.25

0.5 to 1.0 lb$0.50$0.30

1 to 2.0 lb$0.50$0.35

More than 2 lb$0.50$0.40 + $0.20/lb above first 2 lb
Oversize and special handling items*0 to 1.0 lb$0.60$0.60

1 to 2.0 lb$0.60$0.70

2.0 to 4.0 lb$0.60$0.90

4.0 to 10.0 lb$0.60$1.45

More than 10.0 lb$0.60$1.90 + $0.20/lb above first 10 lb

Disposal Order Fees

Disposal Fee
Before February 18, 2020February 18, 2020, and after
Size tierShipping weightDisposal fee per unitDisposal fee per unit
Standard-size0 to 0.5 lb$0.15$0.25

0.5 to 1.0 lb$0.15$0.30

1 to 2.0 lb$0.15$0.35

More than 2 lb$0.15$0.40 + $0.20/lb above first 2 lb
Oversize and special handling items*0 to 1.0 lb$0.30$0.60

1 to 2.0 lb$0.30$0.70

2.0 to 4.0 lb$0.30$0.90

4.0 to 10.0 lb$0.30$1.45

More than 10.0 lb$0.30$1.90 + $0.20/lb above first 10 lb

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